Additional project benefits

For this segment, Hydrogen Valleys were asked to provide additional project benefits going beyond the immediate project tasks. Please see below a selection of insightful answers from the Hydrogen Valleys themselves.

"Synergies within the newborn cluster with growth potential."
"Local supply chains, expanded market for renewables, regional development and Indigenous employment."
"1. Transformation to a largely CO2-neutral structure in the energy sector:
Substitution of fossil gas use in the segments of space heat, process heat and mobility by green gas.
2. Transformation to a largely CO2-neutral structure in the mobility sector by using H2 in fuel cells.
3. Transformation to a largely CO2-neutral structure in the industry sector:
Substitution of oil, coal and gas in industrial processes by green hydrogen.
Substitution of oil derivatives for the production of chemicals and for non-energetic use based on green hydrogen.
4. Positioning and marketing of the model region to create internationally visible reference and use cases."
"Best solar radiation in the world – in the same place as mining industries that have high consumption of energy (electricity and fuel), use of public land, port infrastructure in less than 250 km and three hydrogen implementation projects in mining companies (dual combustion, mid range fuel cell and high capacity load fuel cell)."
"Commercialisation of FCH technologies."
"Contribute to achieve climate objectives of Member States, reduce dependence on fossil energy imports, renewables made in Europe, increase security of energy supply as well as increased flexibility and resilience and strengthen key European industry sectors, create jobs and spill-over effects."
"Interconnection of strong hubs."
"Deployment of large-scale green hydrogen flows from Southern to Northern Europe and paving the way for green hydrogen flows from the north of Africa."
Pioneering the H2 mobility market and helping to improve air quality.
"High potential for creating a regional value chain, know-how creation and thus becoming competitive concerning energy transition challenges, creation of more acceptance for renewable energy projects and the energy transition process overall."
"Investment grants, know-how development, market establishment (first mover), social recognition and publicity."
"Future economic value of the technology and their services, economic leverage for energy producers, energy autarky, regional economic cycles and climate – environment and health actions."
"Reduction of curtailment from wind power."
"Reduction of CO2 emissions for industry and homes across the region, with net zero around 2040 in the cluster as well as additional jobs for the area."
"Security of supply, allows to store renewable electricity for long periods of time, reduces energy dependence by using endogenous sources in its production, reduces GHG emissions and promotes efficiency in energy production and consumption."
"The proposed concept is based on the deployment of green H2 across the entire value chain on an island of sufficient scale, including the deployment of key infrastructure to supply green H2 to multiple FCH end-user applications. The main goal is to showcase the capacity of H2 to decarbonise EU islands, maximizing the integration of RES, while facilitating widespread integration of green H2 into its energy system, potentially becoming the first integrated H2 hub at scale in Southern Europe."
"Opportunity to bring new green jobs to regions as other sectors seek to decarbonise fuels (transport, industry, etc.)."
Business opportunities, jobs, wealth for the region, environmental advantages, industry competitiveness
Some additional project benefits that can be encountered are:
- Making the energy supply more sustainable
- Improving the air quality
- Maintaining the position of the Netherlands as an important energy transit country
In future to decarbonize the world economy, green ammonia has a much bigger potential market than the existing conventional ammonia market.
Within the Flemish hydrogen ports valley international import is combined with local production of green hydrogen to facilitate the decarbonisation of off-takers locally as well as in the hinterland of Belgium and beyond through the European Hydrogen Backbone.
Jobs, taxes, economic revitalization of economically depress coal region, technology development, advances in geologic storage, cleaner air
"Reduction of CO2 emissions for industry and homes across the region, with net zero around 2040 in the cluster as well as additional jobs for the area."
"Reduction of curtailment from wind power."
Business opportunities, jobs, wealth for the region, environmental advantages, industry competitiveness
"Commercialisation of FCH technologies."
"The proposed concept is based on the deployment of green H2 across the entire value chain on an island of sufficient scale, including the deployment of key infrastructure to supply green H2 to multiple FCH end-user applications. The main goal is to showcase the capacity of H2 to decarbonise EU islands, maximizing the integration of RES, while facilitating widespread integration of green H2 into its energy system, potentially becoming the first integrated H2 hub at scale in Southern Europe."
Best solar radiation in the world. In the same place as mining industries that have high consumption of energy (electricity and fuel), use of public land, port infrastructure in less than 250 km and three hydrogen implementation projects in mining companies (dual combustion, mid range fuel cell and high capacity load fuel cell).
experience in new technology an business models
Pioneering the H2 mobility market and helping to improve air quality.
30.00million EUR/year economic value add; "Local supply chains, expanded market for renewables, regional development and Indigenous employment."
Within the Flemish hydrogen ports valley international import is combined with local production of green hydrogen to facilitate the decarbonisation of off-takers locally as well as in the hinterland of Belgium and beyond through the European Hydrogen Backbone.
"Some additional project benefits that can be encountered are:
- Making the energy supply more sustainable
- Improving the air quality
- Maintaining the position of the Netherlands as an important energy transit country"
"Demonstrating that the key of success is targeting deep penetration of green hydrogen in a society (or in the Hydrogen Valley region) through sectoral integration."
Opportunity to bring new green jobs to regions as other sectors seek to decarbonise fuels (transport, industry, etc.).
1. Transformation to a largely CO2-neutral structure in the energy sector:
Substitution of fossil gas use in the segments of space heat, process heat and mobility by green gas.
2. Transformation to a largely CO2-neutral structure in the mobility sector by using H2 in fuel cells.
3. Transformation to a largely CO2-neutral structure in the industry sector:
Substitution of oil, coal and gas in industrial processes by green hydrogen.
Substitution of oil derivatives for the production of chemicals and for non-energetic use based on green hydrogen.
4. Positioning and marketing of the model region to create internationally visible reference and use cases.
Create economic value for Canadian natural resources and potential for export of low-carbon energy, create economic benefits and royalties for Alberta, create sustainable jobs in Alberta and develop expertise in blue hydrogen production.
"Interconnection of strong hubs."
"Investment grants, know-how development, market establishment (first mover), social recognition and publicity."
"Deployment of large-scale green hydrogen flows from Southern to Northern Europe and paving the way for green hydrogen flows from the north of Africa."
"Contribute to achieve climate objectives of Member States, reduce dependence on fossil energy imports, renewables made in Europe, increase security of energy supply as well as increased flexibility and resilience and strengthen key European industry sectors, create jobs and spill-over effects."
Zero emission railway transport services by June 2026.
"Security of supply, allows to store renewable electricity for long periods of time, reduces energy dependence by using endogenous sources in its production, reduces GHG emissions and promotes efficiency in energy production and consumption."
networking, economic impulses, strengthening northern Germany as an industrial location
"High potential for creating a regional value chain, know-how creation and thus becoming competitive concerning energy transition challenges, creation of more acceptance for renewable energy projects and the energy transition process overall."
"Future economic value of the technology and their services, economic leverage for energy producers, energy autarky, regional economic cycles and climate – environment and health actions."
"Regional added value and investment as well as equipment with a future proof technology."
Jobs, taxes, economic revitalization of economically depress coal region, technology development, advances in geologic storage, cleaner air
In future to decarbonize the world economy, green ammonia has a much bigger potential market than the existing conventional ammonia market.
Enabling the Green transition through providing H2 infrastructure and storage.
Integration of regional clusters into the European Hydrogen Backbone
Cost effective and reliable effluent water for H2 production and industrial usage. Exeperience with renewable energy projects. Excellent wind and solar production efficiencies resulting in high FLH. Strong Governmental support, access to offtake market via the Port of Rotterdam. Derisking the value chain to customers in Germany/the Netherlands through H2Gether collaboration.
Supply chain optimization; easy-access to the energy vector for stakeholders; integration; creation of Energy Communities
H2BE aims at providing low-carbon hydrogen at large scale to hard-to-abate large industrial sectors located in the area of Ghent, at an affordable cost.
The project aiming at starting operations in 2028, it will significantly contribute to Belgium’s 2030 interim decarbonization targets.
Waste heat utilization, monetizable side streams (oxygen, argon), industrial symbiosis with local power utilities and emissions reductions gained thereby
Competitive logistics routes on the territory of the united territorial community of Reni (developed infrastructure of Reni Seaport, possibility of connection to Ukraine's gas transportation system and TEN-T corridor, broad-gauge and narrow-gauge railway).
Availability of water resources. The highest solar activity in Ukraine. One of Ukraine’s best wind potential.
Location of H2 production in the five-kilometer border zone with the EU.
Economic reinforcement of NZKG and Noord-Holland Noord, reduction environmental impact of industry, energy independence, future proof production facilities
energy independence; valorizing excess RE, new economy, air quality, licanse to produce,
The advantages of the developed sensor are as follows:
- The microheater will support temperature uniformity;
- The PdNi alloy will provide precise measurements;
- The SiNi layer will hinder the hydrogen diffusion and will reduce temperature measurements perturbations.
-Establishing an integrated cross-border energy system in the Greater Region (focus area is the Federal state of Saarland (Germany), the Lorraine Region in France and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg)
-New energy cooperation between De/Lux/Fr
-Coordinated building of the entire value chain (production, transport and usage)
-Initiating a sustainable transformation process of industry and mobility towards hydrogen technologies
-Territory transition from coal to hydrogen
Decarbonising refinery operations, increasing energy efficiency to lower cost of hydrogen, increasing revenue stream by valorising hydrogen and potentially oxygen, demonstrating viability of business model of a 100MW electrolyser in a refinery setting, general environmental and ecological benefits of producing hydrogen from renewable energy
Decarbonisation, enabling energy transition and energy security
Their part of taking action in climate change, being first mover in hydrogen
Their part of taking action in climate change, being first mover in hydrogen
This project is based on the desire to explore the development of a green hydrogen Valley dedicated to decarbonizing the ceramic sector in Portugal. The ceramic sector is highly energy-intensive (mainly due to natural gas consumption). It is also a sector that is highly impacted by the actual trend of soaring energy prices and by the regulatory pressure at the EU and national level to decarbonize its operations.
This project is based on the desire to explore the development of a Green Hydrogen Valley dedicated to decarbonizing the cement industry and nearby industries in Lisbon, Portugal. The cement sector is highly energy-intensive, impacted by the trend of soaring energy prices and by the regulatory pressure at the EU, national and local levels to decarbonize its operations. In the future, the project aims to use the carbon released by the cement industry and create fuels that will support the decarbonisation of the aviation industry.
1- Having a full-fledged hydrogen roadmap will focus all the establishments in the region with the project stakeholders on the green transition of not just manufacturing industry&electricity generation but also transportation and residential heating through the use of green hydrogen.
2- H2 Valley Project will be a good start for the companies in the consortium to get ready for the liabilities of European Green Deal through phasing out fossil-based fuels.
3- Green ammonia and green methanol will be critical chemicals for the companies in our region. Regarding the largest consumers; there is a wood-based panel producer using 50.000 tonnes/year methanol and there is a fertilizer producer using 450.000 tonnes/year ammonia. The feasibility studies of these green hydrogen derivatives will be a start for the companies to reach 100 % clean processes.
4- The production site of İÇDAŞ (one of the members of our consortium - steel producer) is a high-profile industrial zone regarding green ammonia production. It has the largest desalination capacity in the region which is around 17.000 tonnes/day; it has excess capacity of nitrogen production - it is close to designated offshore zones which has potential in renewable sources - it has two large capacity port facilities and its location is very close to Dardanelles which gives an critical advantage to the company in exporting goods. So after the finalisation of the feasibility report within the scope of Valley Project, it is planned to start the investment of green ammonia plant and the company will be one of the importers of European companies.
5- Sodium BoroHydride as one of the promising solid-state hydrogen storage materials will provide social benefits both project stakeholders and the others. This special boron chemical will be used as hydrogen provider to a power system and the first prototype will be utilized and tested in the logistic warehouse of Balıkesir Local Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD). Material-based solid hydrogen carriers is simplifying storage, transport and use of hydrogen in especially off-grid applications, disaster regions and emergency buildings. This feature of this innovative product is very critical for the region because South Marmara has 1000 km coastline bordering with many islands and it is also located in an earthquake zone.
Guidance for upgrading to hydrogen solutions
Creation of a shared cross-border hydrogen economy where all the resources will be utilized efficiently and the best available value created for all stakeholders.
The development of the hydrogen economy in the Valencian Community, which translates into:
- Job creation.
- Investment.
- Energy autonomy.
- Storage of renewable energy.
- Increased penetration of renewable energies in the energy mix.
- Technological development and innovation.
- We are creating synergies among industries to decarbonize our sectors
- These synergies are promoting the knowledge sharing to be replicable in large-scale
- Circular economy is another important point, reutilization, water from water treatment plants, etc
To be part of a pioneer project which aims to solving climate and energy crises. To make a positive impact on local and EU communities.
Besides the effects on developing renewable energy projects is the State the extension to export of green Hydrogen/ammonia will result in novel investments taking place in the State. The State will become attractive for novel investment opportunities
Project benefits include job creation, technology transfer, energy security enhancement, support for local infrastructure development, and a boost to regional economic resilience and sustainability
1. Transformation to a largely CO2-neutral structure in the energy sector:
Substitution of fossil gas use in the segments of space heat, process heat and mobility by green gas.
2. Transformation to a largely CO2-neutral structure in the industry sector:
Substitution of oil, coal and gas in industrial processes by green hydrogen.
Substitution of oil derivatives for the production of chemicals and for non-energetic use based on green hydrogen and green amoniac.
3. Positioning and marketing of the model region to create internationally visible reference and use cases.
Waste heat supply to city scale district heating, O2 for WwTW, managing wind farm curtailment, restoring wind farm investor confidence, less reliance upon imported fossil fuels, improvement of balance of payments, establishment of green shipping corridor to GB from NI, grid services, enhanced security of supply, regional self sufficiency in renewable energy/
The offtakers are highly energy-intensive companies using natural gas. The sector they belong is impacted by the actual trend of soaring gas and carbon prices and by the regulatory pressure at the EU and national level to decarbonize its operations. Moreover, suppose the offtakers don't switch the fuel to a clean alternative and make the final product competitive with the one from outside Europe. In that case, the thousands of jobs in these companies may be in jeopardy. Therefore, providing a clean, affordable and renewable-based fuel alternative is urgent.
Large scale diffusion of hydrogen technologies ans infrastructures
national, regional and european visibility, synergies between stakeholders, public co-funding