You are a Hydrogen Valley yourself? You want your project to be displayed on the Mission Innovation Hydrogen Valley platform? Great – we are always happy to include more ambitious hydrogen projects on the platform!
Please find below some information on the prerequisites and how to contact us:
We have a multitude of criteria we usually assess when looking at projects for the platform. Among the criteria are a geographically defined scope of the project, a sufficiently large scale project (multi-million EUR), a broad value chain coverage (from production to storage, transport and final use) and that the project plans to supply ideally a multitude of sectors with hydrogen. Moreover, the projects usually have to be at least at the feasibility stage.

Broad value chain coverage - Covering multiple steps of the value chain from hydrogen production to storage, transport and offtake

Geographically defined scope - Creating hydrogen ecosystems that cover a specific geography, from local/national activities to international outreach

Project feasibility - Projects have to be under real project development, i.e., advancing on a feasibility study

Clean hydrogen production - Following a zero/low-carbon hydrogen production pathway

Large in scale - Setting up two-digit multi-million EUR investment projects that are beyond mere pilot/demo projects as well as scalable or replicable

Supply of more than one end use - Showcasing the versatility of hydrogen by supplying more than one end sector or application in the mobility, industry and energy sector

Benefits for "mature" projects
- Publicity and visibility via the platform: Receiving the "Hydrogen Valley Certificate", publications, events, pointing your stakeholders, sponsors, investors, financiers to the platform
- Benchmarking your hydrogen valley to other experienced and ambitious projects from around the world: How does your project compare?
- Exchanging about challenges and successful approaches as well as developing international business through peer-to-peer contact
- Strengthening your public relations by achieving a wide reach among institutions, such as funding entities and political administrations

Benefits for "early-stage" projects
- Publicity and visibility via the platform: Receiving the "Hydrogen Valley Certificate", publications, events, pointing your stakeholders, sponsors, investors, financiers to the platform
- Joining an exclusive group of leading hydrogen valleys who you can collaborate with and learn from: "learning from the best"
- Benefiting from a strong visibility among policy makers and funding entities through the platform
- Playing a significant role in promoting the emergence of future hydrogen projects by offering learnings for others through relevant information
Behind the platform is a comprehensive survey that the selected projects need to complete regarding project fundamentals, technologies deployed, project development overall, financial aspects as well as hurdles and key success factors. The information will be used for a Hydrogen Valley profile on the platform as well as the aggregate data analyses in the analysis section.