Budget sources
This section provides an overview on the budget sources of Hydrogen Valleys. You can explore the main public and private budget sources Hydrogen Valleys tend to have based on their location, end use application and electrolyser technology deployed. Moreover, you are invited to explore the differences between Hydrogen Valleys in the public institutions providing funding and the average share of budget funded by these institutions based on various project characteristics.
Main public and private budget sources (number (share) of Valleys)
This question provides insights into the main public and private budget sources of a Hydrogen Valley displaying both the number of Valleys and the share of all Valleys having the respective budget source. Use the filter options to find out information on Hydrogen Valleys based on more specific characteristics.
Projects with respective public funding (number (share) of Valleys)
This question provides insights into the public funding sources of a Hydrogen Valley displaying both the number of Valleys and the share of all Valleys that are covered by the respective funding source. Use the filter options to find out information on Hydrogen Valleys based on more specific characteristics. Please note that the Hydrogen Valleys were able to choose multiple answers.
Number of applications for public funding schemes
This question provides insights into the average share of budget of a Hydrogen Valleys funded by a public institution. The graph includes information on the average share of the budget funded by the respective type of public institution. Use the filter options to find out information on Hydrogen Valleys based on more specific characteristics.
Number of approved public funding schemes
This question provides insights into the number of public funding schemes the Hydrogen Valley get funding from sorted into categories of 0, 1, 2-5 and more than 5 funding schemes. Use the filter options to find out information on Hydrogen Valleys based on more specific characteristics.
Duration between grant application and spending
This question provides insights into the duration between the first application of grants/funding to actual spending of money. The answer options for the Hydrogen Valleys were "less than 6 months", "6-12 months", “12-24 months”, “24-48 months” and "more than 48 months". Use the filter options to find out information on Hydrogen Valleys based on more specific characteristics.